Centre for Students & Entrepreneurs

A new home for creativity, innovation and entrepreneurship

Modern forms of work and ecological sustainability

The new building on the ETH Hönggerberg campus will be the new home for student associations, the Student Project House and ETH Entrepreneurship. Its aim is to combine student initiatives and projects right through to spin-offs under one roof. In open offices, multi-purpose rooms, workshops and meeting areas, the young talents will exchange ideas across disciplines and organizations, fuel each other with ideas and find new collaborations. Entrepreneurial activity and craftsmanship are given space as well as student creativity and sociability. The diverse interactions contribute to the fact that the new building becomes an inspiring and pulsating ecosystem in which the young talents can gain irreplaceable experience and take their first steps towards entrepreneurship.

  • The architecture enables flexible use of space and promotes exchange
  • Energy concept and photovoltaic system
  • Regional wood serves the sustainable use of building materials
  • Green roof terrace and outside space create a natural balance
Centre for Students & Entrepreneurs
Centre for Students & Entrepreneurs
Centre for Students & Entrepreneurs

Facts & Figures

  • Various user groups:
    • Student associations VSETH and SOSETH
    • Student Project House
    • Entrepreneurial student groups ETH Juniors and ETH Entrepreneur Club
    • ETH Entrepreneurship
    • ETH Pioneer Fellows und ETH Spin-offs
  • Meeting place and lighthouse
  • Project management ETH Real Estate:

Images: Jasmin Frei for ETH Zurich

Centre for Students & Entrepreneurs
Jean-Pierre Wildi
Michael Niklaus
Dr. Felix Moesner
René H. Kail
Dr. Lukas Blunschi
Philipp Staufer
Ignaz Martin
Guido Walt
Prof. Dr. Hans-Rudolf Schalcher
Dr. Patrick Hofer-Noser
Dr. David Stefanovits
Mateo Rodriguez
Torsten Wyss
Marlène Zahno Schweizer
Franz Weiss-Pellet
Stefan Wirth
Joël Alexander Busch
Prof. Dr. Gerald Stranzinger
Peter Zimmerli
Rolf Rihs
Dr. Urs Bikle
Reto Giudicetti
Luca Jelmoni
Simona Daguati
Reto Bucher
Dr. Laura Kobel-Keller
Philipp Elkuch
Dominique André Stark
Dr. Stéphane Burgos
Gabriela Keller
Georges Müller
Dr. Willy Wunderlin
Dr. Daniel Clerc
Christoph Elmer
Hannes Wüest
Robert Kessler
Dr. Kurt Steiner
Dr. Erich Städler
Dr. Michele Müller
Thomas Linder
Cuno Lanz
David Kaiser
Dr. Adriana Ispas
Dr. Rudolf Bauer
Dr. Urban Angehrn
Dipl.-Ing. Martin Schürz
Fabian Amstad
Marlies Kuhn
Christina Wolf
Daniel Oertli
Jörg Schenker-Karrer
Thomas Thaler
Simon Funk
Dr. Sandra Burri
Alexis Adamian
Fernando Gallusser
Prof. Dr. Markus Rothacher
Dr. Vladimir Milojevic
Udo Meier
Ilyas Besler
Christoph Müller
Dr. Heinrich Baumann
Massimiliano Nunziata
Dr. Christian Jörg Müller
Marianne Kräher-Huber
Dr. Peter Friedli
Dr. Andreas Wickli
Sarah Schelbert
Peter Güller
Dr. Paul Sevinç
Peter Hunziker
René Poltera
Nadia Bruzzone
Christian Vogt
Hans Rudolf Holenweg
Jürg Herrmann
Oskar Furrer
Bladimir Alexander Malavé Ortiz
Thomas Anliker
Gabriel Prêtre
Dr. Jean-Pierre Calame
Thomas D. Meyer
Piero Contu
Niklaus Prapopoulos
Adrian V. Nösberger
René Brieden
Walter Meyer
Rafael Zamora
Urs Werner
Dr. Hansruedi Widmer
Marketa Schweizer-Marek
Dr. Hiroshi Nakano
Dr. Jean-Jacques Britt
Walter Weibel
Dr. Marcel R. Bühlmann
Simeon Furrer
Christina Grieder
Dr. Fritz Zimmermann
Sonja Rüegg Stammbach
Gérard Justafre
Thank you!