Your contribution enables this construction

Centre for Students & Entrepreneurs

Enabling the future together

As a donator of this highly promising new build, you enable…

…a platform for students to implement their ideas,

…a lighthouse for creativity and innovation,

…a higher profile for ETH’s innovative power,

…support for entrepreneurship at ETH Zurich,

…information-sharing between research and business and

…strengthening of Zurich as a city of innovation and business.

Why support?

ETH Centre for Students & Entrepreneurs

ETH Centre for Students & Entrepreneurs

ETH Centre for Students & Entrepreneurs

ETH Centre for Students & Entrepreneurs

ETH Centre for Students & Entrepreneurs

ETH Centre for Students & Entrepreneurs


Dr. André Dahinden
Dr. Elisabeth Jacobs
Dr. Jean-Claude Griesser
Dr. Markus Rexroth
Dr. Lukas Blunschi
Dr. Jean-Luc Luisier
Matthias Stüssi
Reto Bonderer
Roger Silvan Gämperle
Prof. Dr. phil.ll Hans Peter Ruffner
Martin Albers
Dr. Erich Klopfenstein
Rosemarie Simmen
Dr. Gérard Basler
Dr. Andrej Stravs
Dr. Hans Peter Lüthi
Robert Kessler
Boris Kanja
Oskar Furrer
Dr. Ernst Karl Weibel
Dr. Hans Tschamper
Philipp Mengis
René Monsch
Angela Mühlenbroich
Dr. Markus Ullius
Nina Gonova
Dr. Gisela Fontaine
Prof. Dr. Gerhard Girmscheid
Alois Mettler
Prof. Markus Bieri
Dr. Marco Calisto
Ralph A. Winter
Simon Peter Kopp
Michael Wild
Ralf Naef
Ernest Spirig
Dr. Stefan Draskovic
Hansjürg Diener
Rudolf Aellig
Trix Heberlein
Adrian Gex-Collet
Hanna Brahme
Martin Rastetter
Erik Fonseka
Pascal Spaar
Robert Richner
Fritz Rothen
Dr. Max A. Spycher
Dr. Beda A. Sigrist
Franco Hunziker
Reto Giudicetti
Dr. Matthias Bünte
Dr. Andreas Lengwiler
Prof. Dr. Manfred Sigrist*
Madeleine Abegg
Dr. Valeria Galetti
Werner Zbinden
Patrick Vettiger
Thomas Knecht
Dr. Andres Denss
Dr. Jörg-Martin Hohberg
Viktoriia Skrypka
Dr. Ferdinand Schlaepfer
Dr. Andreas Wickli
Dipl.-Ing. Kurt Spichiger
Roland Kannappel
Michael Fuchs
Silvano Mattei
Christine Sieber
Dr. Marcel Tschumi
Dr. Sergio Tagliaferri
Adolf Steiner
Prof. Dr. Mathieu Luisier*
Johannes Joller
Stefan Radat
Aurélie Tanner
Simone Croci
Christina Grieder
Dr. Paul Gantenbein
Dr. Michel Dubas
Dr. Hossein Janshekar
Peter Sommerhalder
Gabriel Andreas Hottiger
Dr. Heinz W. Rüegg
Alex Heusser
Dr. Gabriele Gabrielli
Ruedi Kellenberger
Christopher Duisberg
Alex Benz
Christian Lanz
Dr. Armand Fürst
Prof. Dr. Dieter Hundt
Prof. Dr. Sarah M. Springman
Dr. Gianni Martinelli
Hansjürg Knaus-Spielmann
Dr. Markus Hofer
Dr. Hanspeter Keller
Dr. Gustav Brunner sel.
Ralf Gmünder
Urs M. Schneider
Thank you!