Your contribution enables this construction

Centre for Students & Entrepreneurs

Enabling the future together

As a donator of this highly promising new build, you enable…

…a platform for students to implement their ideas,

…a lighthouse for creativity and innovation,

…a higher profile for ETH’s innovative power,

…support for entrepreneurship at ETH Zurich,

…information-sharing between research and business and

…strengthening of Zurich as a city of innovation and business.

Why support?

ETH Centre for Students & Entrepreneurs

ETH Centre for Students & Entrepreneurs

ETH Centre for Students & Entrepreneurs

ETH Centre for Students & Entrepreneurs

ETH Centre for Students & Entrepreneurs

ETH Centre for Students & Entrepreneurs


Peter Herzog
Erik Jentges
Dr. Andreas Rüetschi
Noël Buchwalder
Dr. Max Gasser
Fabio Widmer
Massimiliano Nunziata
Fabian Karl Anton Rohr
Dr. Thomas Siegenthaler
Andreas Grossenbacher
Peter Müdespacher
Martin Frick
Mathias Bannwart
Claudio Hauser
Dr. Beat Rick
Beat Stettler
Fritz Hagmann
Hanspeter Kilchherr
Dr. Konstantinos Zeimpekis
Pascal Kretz
Franz Johner
Dr. Matthias Fuhr
Baris Güç
Jürg Stocker
Bernhard A. Gysi
Fabian Auf der Maur
Per-Olof Attinger
Roman Flury
Isabel Portmann
Dr. Jacob Rüegg
Simon Marius Comtesse
Vera Gross-Hausmann
Martin J. Osterwalder
Jürg Hofer
Peter Baumann
Tatjana Eyer
Dr. Walter Jung
Patrick Vettiger
Urs Züger
Dr. Ulrich Schmitt*
Bruno Jakob
Marco Raphael Stalder
Peter Jermann
Michael Rufer
Sabrina Cervenka
Alphonse Jacquier
Dr. Michael Steffen
Dr. Thierry F. A. Müller
Dr. Sandro Tonazzi
Ilyas Besler
Marco Andrea Bolandini
Dr. Stefan Bergamin
Dr. Werngard Czechtizky
Erwin Schäfer
Dr. Hanna Brahme
Dr. Christian Schürch
Benjamin Weber
Dr. Amos Schtalheim
Marc M. Vetter
Nicolas Hodler
Dr. Hans Hauri
Dr. Barbara Orelli Guainazzi
Dieter Bäni
Dr. Vincenzo Salipante
Dr. Christoph Blickenstorfer
Dr. Daniele Ruini
Dr. Thomas Isenschmid
Jakob Keller sel.
Peter Wyss
Jan-Holger Stucken
Ernst Ruchti
Laszlo Domnanich
Rudolf Mätzener
Dr. Olivier Carnal
Frank P. Gross
Jürg Zulauf
Johannes Joller
Simone Fasciati
Claudio Jeker
Heinrich Frey
Karin Moser-Fletsberger
Fritz Gubler
Hans Bürki
Peter Rysler
Massimo Sarti
Piero Contu
Nicolas von Schumacher
Dr. Johannes M. Ebersold
Dr. Dieter und Isabelle Wüest
Dr. Danilo Guerini
Roland Aeberli
Mirjam Fischinger
Dr. Gilbert Vuilleumier
Patrick Burgherr
Daniel Meyer
Robert Gut
Dr. Max R. Edinger
Philippe Kaiflin
Katalin Luca
Prof. Dr. Christophorus Grab
Thank you!