Your contribution enables this construction

Centre for Students & Entrepreneurs

Enabling the future together

As a donator of this highly promising new build, you enable…

…a platform for students to implement their ideas,

…a lighthouse for creativity and innovation,

…a higher profile for ETH’s innovative power,

…support for entrepreneurship at ETH Zurich,

…information-sharing between research and business and

…strengthening of Zurich as a city of innovation and business.

Why support?

ETH Centre for Students & Entrepreneurs

ETH Centre for Students & Entrepreneurs

ETH Centre for Students & Entrepreneurs

ETH Centre for Students & Entrepreneurs

ETH Centre for Students & Entrepreneurs

ETH Centre for Students & Entrepreneurs


Dr. Rok Sekolec
Dr. Patrik Kunz
Josef Egger
Brigitte Horlacher
Ammandip Duggal
Andrea Maria Nater
Aurélie Tanner
Norbert Thüring
Hans Kubat
Pilatus Flugzeugwerke AG
Ruth Bachmann
Hans Burch
Ralf Naef
Marc Schindler
Dr. Gustav Brunner sel.
Beat Meier-Herger
Matthias Knoepfel
Georg Krenger
Dr. Thomas Etter
Therese Garcia
Bernard Albert Fierz
Thomas Knecht
Andreas Frey
Dr. Gernot Alber
Dr. Hansjakob Leutenegger
Jean-Bernard Vauclair
Alexander Kaufmann
Dr. Marianne Wiedemeier-Sutter
Ivan Popovic
Dipl.-Ing. Kurt Spichiger
Dr. Werner Büsch
Dr. Hanspeter Brändli
Rosemarie Simmen
Martin Frick
Mathias Walker
Daniel Kluge
Alexandra Maximova
Michael Anderegg
Manfred Hunziker
Christian Graf
Dr. Lara Hasan
Dr. Helmut Rudigier
Dr. Mathieu Nicolet
Werner Brüesch
Paul von Allmen
Dr. Andres Denss
Thierry Tshibuabua
Dr. Markus Zimmermann
Adrian Mäder
Christian Rudolf Meier
Roland Stähli
Simon Regenscheit
Dr. Dorian Tanase
Dr. René Baumann
Michael Fuchs
Ali Zschokke
Robert Henauer
Rolf Sägesser
Cyril Axel Egger
SWF Stiftung für wissenschaftliche Forschung
Peter Muri
Franco Hunziker
Hans-Peter Ruosch
Dr. Matthias Hölling
Heinrich Hofacker
Emanuel Alexander Stüdeli
Uwe Suckow
Dr. Robert Kesselring
Stefan Frei
Dr. Andreas Petermann
Stéphane Braune
Hans-Jürg Roth
Thomas Honegger
Ralph A. Winter
Martin Kopp
Dr. Harald Wippo
Bojana Kačar Stupar
Dominique André Stark
Dr. Philipp Schlegel
Daniele Ryser
Adrian Gex-Collet
Kurt Heer
Prof. Walter U. Häberli
Saskia Andrea Lienhard
Dr. Safer Mourad
Stefan Jauslin
Sina Escher
Andreas Spinnler
Ernst Kieser
Urs Züger
Meinrad Grüter
Dr. Hans-Peter Widmer
Dr. Peter Schudel
Edouard Ammann
Erich Vogelsanger
Hanspeter Schinz
Ernst Diggelmann
Christoph Bachmann
Helene Orunesu
Andreas Hottinger
Thank you!